Stages of Care


chiroxrayDuring the initial exam, the patient’s history is taken and a number of chiropractic diagnostic procedures are performed to build an accurate picture of the presenting health problem. Such indicators include the location and character of the patient’s pain, gait, posture, range of motion, x-rays, and spinal palpation.

Spinal palpation is the art of examining by touch to determine exactly where and how to adjust or manipulate the spine. This is the chiropractor’s central diagnostic technique, first learned through schooling and training, and perfected throughout the course of a chiropractor’s career.



Beginning with your first exam, most patients enter into chiropractic care in an INITIAL INTENSIVE phase. The primary goal, of course, is to reduce or eliminate the pain and symptoms which prompted you to seek Chiropractic treatment. Visits are usually frequent in order to “train” your body to stay in alignment.

After your presenting pain has alleviated and your spine has begun to stabilize, we begin the phase of REHABILITATIVE care. Though by now you may be feeling better, muscle and tissue damage may remain. Dr. Ressmeyer will often recommend exercises for you to do at home that will help in your healing process.

Please, do not get impatient with your care at this stage, or think that because your initial pain is gone it is unnecessary to continue treatment. To restore your body to its optimum performance takes time and commitment.

After full spinal function is reached, regular periodic appointments are prescribed to help preserve and maintain your progress. This is the MAINTENANCE phase of care, and THIS IS OUR GOAL! Just like dental checkups and physicals, regular chiropractic checkups are key in maintaining overall health and reducing recurring health problems.

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